“We strive to transform dreams about better life into reality and green high-tech products into the world revolution.”
Roberto Hroval


10 years ago BHRI Institute has been established with the aim to create a special corporate mechanism to start realizing new ideas across the world. Creativity knows no borders, united in the unity of the individual, organization or company gets a fresh start in search of implementing new ideas for a better future. In 2018, the BHRI institute became part of Patentreal Corp. from Hong Kong. The new owner of BHRI institute, legally transformed it into the PRC Institute (PatentReal Corporation Institute). All research, projects and innovations are now as a scientific and a development supporting platform for the PatentReal Corporation, which enables the development and placement of projects to the the global market.

PRC institute has concluded a complete system for internal development of each idea, both in its entirety as well as in its ultimate perfection. With our own created network tool we can produce the most demanding industrial design and the internal strategic planning department is also launched and can professionally provide full support for application on costumer’s projects. We have also established our own team of patent agents, which are trained to assist in the process of intellectual property. With our trained team of sales agents, we are able to launch any idea into the global market.

While developing new ideas, the priority is always given to customer’s satisfaction, high quality products and services. We are always relying on scientifically proven achievements and contribute to a better awareness of the environment.

The founder is the well known entrepreneur, visionary and inventor, Mr. Roberto Hroval, who has more then 25 years of experiences in the industry, owns more than 30 patents, TM and model innovations.