“What we are living with is the result of human choices and it can be changed by making better, wiser choices.”
Robert Redford
Bi-molecular Thermolysis Sistem – Oil, Plastic and Tire Wastes into Energy
It is an innovative, best in class technology for the used oil as input raw material, which has several significant advantages compared to competition systems.
- 98% productivity efficiency;
- No side effect emissions to environment;
- Highest output raw materials purity;
- Self cleaning system;
- Self recycling system;
- No pre-cleaning of input raw materials needed;
- Lowest running silent factor;
- Completely closed design;
- Low operating temperature without oxygen;
- Continually running process;
- Perfect solution for polymer waste management;
- High capacity of daily input (from 10 to 180 tons).
Recycling is a good thing to do. It makes people feel good to do it. The thing I want to emphasize is the vast difference between recycling for the purpose of feeling good and recycling for the purpose of solving the trash problem.
Barry Commoner
Our system is highly complex and innovative technological solution that introduces a new eco-friendly waste recycling and therefore contributes to reduction of negative environmental impacts and contributes to optimal use of resources. As it is known the pyrolysis system and process allows thermal treatment of waste based on hydrocarbons (such system is specially designed and optimized for the use of waste oil, plastic or tire).

Life Cycle Analysis
The world’s less familiar but much more effective is the reverse-reaction Thermolysis, which produces a variety of high-energy materials directly from waste or worn out materials. After the waste material is inserted in the input part of the continuous recycling process it goes toward the reactor, due to the increased temperature of about 150-180°C and without the presence of oxygen it is forcing the so called long molecular compounds to separation to smaller molecular compounds.

System’s advantage is in its self-efficient power supply because the produced gas CH4 from the process is entirely (100%) returned into the production process. It does not need any external energy source, therefore it is an optimal investment. It has a self-sufficient reactor cooling system with water obtained from its own recycling-production process. Another advantage of this reactor is the use of unrefined waste plastic including PVC. This is because it has a special system for forced decomposition of harmful molecules, which are then turned into non-harmful molecules.
“Solid wastes” are the discarded leftovers of our advanced consumer society. This growing mountain of garbage and trash represents not only an attitude of indifference toward valuable natural resources, but also a serious economic and public health problem.
Jimmy Carter
System’s advantage is in its self-efficient power supply because the produced gas from the recycling process is entirely (100%) returned into the production process. It does not need any external energy source, therefore it is an optimal investment. It has a self-sufficient reactor cooling system with water obtained from its own recycling-production process. Another advantage of this reactor is the use of unrefined waste plastic including PVC. This is because it has a special system for forced decomposition of harmful molecules, which are then turned into non-harmful molecules.

Multi-Module Reverse Osmosis System – MMRO
MMRO is an innovative, best in class water technology, which has several significant advantages compared to competition’s systems.
- Long membrane life;
- Lowest energy costs;
- Low running and maintenance costs;
- No chemicals;
- Wide field of applications;
- High permeate result;
- Modern cleaning technology;
- Easy enlargement of existing systems.
Water has become a highly precious resource. There are some places where a barrel of water costs more than a barrel of oil.
Lloyd Axworthy
The MMRO-module is a new and further development in the sector of disk module technology. The patented flow design of the module offers several advantages:
- Ratio of membrane surface to module volume: 190 m²/m³;
- Optimized fluid characteristics and hydraulics;
- Only low pressure losses in module;
- Excellent cleaning behaviour;
- Wide range of application;
- Computer guided and monitored system.

General advantages of MMRO
Wide field of application
Because of its fluid characteristic and its optimal pressure conditions these modules can be used in reverse osmosis and nanofiltration systems.
Long membrane life
A combination of a low mechanical wear even at high pressure and the controlled shearing force of the cross-flow-filtration reduces the danger of membrane scaling and fouling and makes the membrane resistant against layers.
High permeate result
Only the plate-module-technology with its optimized cross-flow-filtration is able to achieve high capacity output even under difficult conditions.
Low energy costs
With little raw water input at an adequate velocity of flow and little pressure drop in the module the energy consumption can be reduced remarkable.
Maintenance and inspection
Modular construction and clear access to all major components means that inspection and maintenance can be carried out quickly and effectively.
The modular construction makes an enlargement of the system possible and easy.
Modern cleaning technology
The open-channel-technology optimizes the cleaning conditions that layers can be separated and be swept out with washing solutions.
No chemical operation
This membrane technology exemplary realizes the drinking water production
without chemicals.